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Democratizing Data: A Fairy Tale We All Believed?

Once upon a time in a not-so-far-off land, a charming idea was born: Data Democratisation. Ah, what a promising concept. Everyone and their grandma getting access to data. It's like giving everyone the keys to a shiny, data-infused Ferrari.

Democratizing Data: A Fairy Tale We All Believed?

Our data-loving pals, analytics vendors, were the most fervent promoters of this dream. They trumpeted, “With our magical analytics tools, every business person will become a data wizard!” They enchanted us with tales of everyday business folks, just like you and me, transforming into data superheroes, diving into vast seas of numbers, and surfacing with pearls of wisdom to solve any business conundrum.

Oh, the enthusiasm, the hope, the vision! A land where data flows freely, and every citizen is equipped to understand and harness its power.

But, here’s the twist. Remember that shiny, data-infused Ferrari we talked about? Turns out, most of us don’t even know how to drive stick, let alone navigate a supercar.

We were handed the keys to this dazzling machine, but without a map or a driving manual. In reality, many of our valiant business folks, armed with their analytics tools, did venture into the data wilderness. Yet, most found themselves staring blankly at dashboards that resembled the cockpit of a spaceship.

They fiddled around a bit, hoping to stumble upon some illuminating insights. But in the end, many of them threw their hands up and retreated, feeling more bewildered than enlightened. “What do all these colorful charts and graphs even mean?” they cried.

And where did these complex questions end up? That’s right, back to our trusty data folks and analysts. After all, who else can decipher the mysterious language of data? So much for our democratized data utopia.

So, here we are, folks. Our fairy tale didn’t quite pan out as we had hoped. The notion of data democratization was enchanting, but in reality, most of us ended up looking at dashboards as if they were cryptic puzzles.

It’s clear that having the keys to the Ferrari isn’t enough. We need to learn how to drive it, and not just drive, but drive it like pros.

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Michael Lieberman
Michael Lieberman  Co-founder @ Lassoo. Startup guy with multiple exits with a love for product and marketing.